(…Some people claim it is a hoax, some the opposite. Anyway I published a copy of the letter…In my perspective it contains a lot of truth in it!)
2008 Letter from A Norwegian Politician about 2012

I am a Norwegian politician. I would like to say that difficult things will happen from the year 2008 till the year 2012.
The Norwegian government is building more and more underground bases and bunkers. When asked, they simply say that it is for the protection of the people of Norway. When I enquire when they are due to be finished, they reply “before 2011”.
Israel is also doing the same and many other countries too.
My proof that what I am saying is true is in the photographs I have sent of myself and all the Prime Ministers and ministers I tend to meet and am acquainted with. They know all of this, but they don’t want to alarm the people or create mass panic.
Planet X is coming, and Norway has begun with storage of food and seeds in the Svalbard area and in the arctic north with the help of the US and EU and all around in Norway. They will only save those that are in the elite of power and those that can build up again: doctors, scientists, and so on.
As for me, I already know that I am going to leave before 2012 to go the area of Mosjøen where we have a deep underground military facility. There we are divided into sectors, red, blue and green. The signs of the Norwegian military are already given to them and the camps have already been built a long time ago.
The people that are going to be left on the surface and die with along the others will get no help whatsoever. The plan is that 2,000,000 Norwegians are going to be safe, and the rest will die. That means 2,600,000 will perish into the night not knowing what to do.
All the sectors and arks are connected with tunnels and have railcars that can take you from one ark to the other. This is so that they can be in contact with each other. Only the large doors separate them so that the sectors are not compromised in any matter.
I am very sad. Often I cry with others that know that so many will learn too late, and then it will all be over for them. The government has been lying to the people from 1983 till now. All the major politicians know this in Norway, but few will say it to the people and the public – because they are afraid in case they too will miss the NOAH 12 railcars that will take them to the ark sites where they will be safe.
If they tell anyone, they are dead for sure. But I don’t care any more about myself. Mankind must survive and the species must survive. People must know this.
All the governments in the world are aware of this and they just say it is going to happen. For those of the people that can save themselves I can only say reach for higher ground and find caves up in the high places where you can have a food storage for at least five years with canned food and water to last for a while. Radiation pills and biosuits are also advisable if your budget allows it.
For the last time I say may God help us all… but God will not help us I know. Only each person individually can make a difference. Wake up, please…!
I could have written to you using another name but I am not afraid of anything any more. When you know certain things, you become invincible and no harm can come to you when you know that the end is soon.
I assure you 100% that things will happen. There are four years to prepare for the endgame. Get weapons, and make survival groups, and a place where you can be safe with food for a time.
Ask me anything and I will answer as much as I know about the Norwegian connection to all this. And just look around: they are building underground bases and bunkers everywhere. Open your eyes, people. Ask the governments what they are building, and they will say “Oh, it’s just storage for food”, and so on. They blind you with all the lies.
The marks of the alien presence are also there, and I often see the Norwegian elite politicians are not what they say they are. It’s like they are controlled in every thought, and what they have to say is just as they are told to do things in such manners. It is clear for me who they are, and who they are not. You can see it in their eyes and in their minds.
Remember that those who are going to be in and around the city areas in 2012 are those that are going to be hit first and die first. Later the army will purge the rest of the survivors and they have a shoot to kill order if there is any resistance to bring them into the camps where every one will get marked with a number and a tag.
I also see that Benazir Bhutto is spoken of on your site. Her death was tragic. I have met Benazir, as you can see. You will also see from the photographs that I have met with a number of other notable politicians and world leaders.
The public will not know what happens till the very end, because the government does not want to create mass panic. Everything will happen quietly and the government will just disappear.
But I say this: don’t go quietly into the night. Take precautions to be safe with your family. Come together with others. Work together to find ways to solve all the many problems you will face.
I have been to several underground bases [number given]. We used the railcars to get around. Only a few special people were selected to be shown around. Those that run with the elite know of this.
I have evidence of my claims. I trust my sources 100%, but they are afraid to tell what they know. People are afraid for their lives and that is how it is. I just also want the public to know what the hell is going on. I am not afraid of death or any other thing.
All the elite politicians in Norway know of this. They also know that if they reveal anything they will be removed from office and will be denied access to the different underground bases when the time is up.
The NOAH 12 railcars are transport railcars between the different bases underground. They have a support system of these all around from one base to another. They are mainly used by the military and they control all of them. There are orange triangle symbols in each base and the check-ins are a kind of energy field that everyone has to go through.
The future for my children is all I think of – and that for all the other children growing up in the new world. We have to make a difference for them so that they grow up knowing what their parents did for them, such as giving this information to people like yourselves.
In 2009 the government of FRP will come into power and Siv Jensen will be elected Prime Minister. This is already known. It’s important to understand that. The elections are all fake and the same persons and power elite get elected each time in turn. Look up the political history of Norway, and the people that run the country now.
Please share this information with the rest of the internet. When the time comes people will survive because of the information they have learned from the different sites on the net.
I will not get anything but trouble from posting this, and I have no need to mislead anyone. I do this only to expose what is to happen in my country and that maybe some people will survive what is to come.
When I was in the military I was in the [name of service given]. At one point we were given a task to get something out of a base and deliver it to another base.
We were told: “DO NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS. JUST DO YOUR JOB.” Later, when we landed outside the base, we were taken by trucks to outside the base where there were large doors heavily guarded by other military personnel.
Or it seemed like they were military, but they had different suits on them: orange and black suits with the orange suits having a golden triangle on them and the black suits having a green triangle.
* As far as I can remember the triangle went downwards, like a pyramid but facing down and had some weird kind of sign it it. To me it looked like the letter ‘E’, but the lines were not connected in the ‘E’ like we write the letter ‘E’. It was shaped like the ‘E’ and in the middle the letter ‘E’ was pointing inwards… not as in any language I can read or understand, and certainly not in Norwegian.
* The signs were as far as I can remember not on the arms because I saw them clearly… they were at the left side of the black suit just over the chest area and on the caps they had on. The signs were not that big – just as a regular sized patch is, but clear enough to see them.
We went through the large doors. I was thinking what the hell is this, and I felt a bit scared at first. It was like something out of a science fiction movie. This was the first time I was in such a base.
We then came to a 500 meter long tunnel and there were more of these military personnel waiting with guns and transport for us. We were divided up in groups. Some went another way, and I and my group were asked to come with the black suited guards so they could take us to another location. When we came to the end we were asked to put on some masks “for our own protection”.
I was thinking for our own protection… aren’t we already protected by being inside this huge underground complex and by guards with weapons?
We were then asked to step inside a railcar… and this is what I know of the railcars. They are run by some kind of blue crystal energy, I think, or at least that is how it appeared. Then we sat in the cars and I asked one of the guards “What is this?” He replied, “You don’t need to know this, sir.”
* At the front where the operator sits there was a box with a window just besides him, and just when before powering up you could see the large purple-blue crystals emitting a purple-bluish light… not blinding you but quite beautiful to watch indeed. I have never ever seen such energy light or crystals anywhere. I was thinking that must be the power source.
* Later on in the base I saw that some people were working on these purple-blue crystals. They were larger than the ones I saw in the railcar – ca. one meter in length and they were lined up one after the other. They were taking some light through them. They were in fact purple-blue and when the light went inside they turned more blue and had a stronger color – the people had white masks on and goggles standing away from them when the light was going inside the crystals. I was about 20 meters from them and we were quickly rushed along when they said “Move on now.”
* I also think that the energy fields that we went through before entering the check-in were powered by these crystals, because it was the same kind of light – or so it seemed to me. If I remember more I will let you know.
I could see that there was a tube-like system and the other railcars were just going so fast you just saw a light going by. I think this was a vacuum tube system where there is no drag.
* The railcars were just like the tube itself but inside. The tube was a bit larger. The main car or transport shuttle was I think ca. 12 meters in length and had a pointed shape in front and back and had seating for 10 people with the operator. You could drive them both ways and it was not necessary to turn it around. It was sealed from the side after you go inside and was quite okay… but the speed was too much, and I got sick after the ride.
* There was also some room for some cargo that you could take with you, but not much. There were a lot of these railcars around, as it seemed, and they just went passing by just like a light passes by in a flash. But you don’t get to see the other rails either, because it’s so fast that you forget to look and rather concentrate on your stomach when inside one of these.
Later on, after I went into politics, I found out what was inside of the rest of the base and what the bases are for, which I have already told you. I know that when this railcar moved – and it moved fast – I had never seen anything like this before. Later when we arrived at the end station I was feeling sick, and the other people that were there also felt the same way. One of the guards said it happens the first time to everyone.
When we came outside we were given goggles and asked to go through a security check. This is where it all gets weird.
There were guards with weapons all over the place… and remember I told you about the energy fields that one has to go through. I was thinking I should not be here at this place, and I was a little scared.
Then we got through this energy field and came to another room. I saw that there was a screen on the side of the wall that said HUMAN – NOT HUMAN – PURE – NOT PURE.
After I saw this I was thinking: Are there ‘NOT HUMANS’ too ??
* At the energy field check-in there was a screen, which I mentioned before. There was a weird language on the screen. I have never seen this before. Underneath it stood letters that were like the ‘E’ I told you about – but the only thing I could read was HUMAN – NOT HUMAN – PURE – NOT PURE.
[ Project Camelot note: we are seeking further clarification on this ]
The guards stopped us and told us to change clothes inside another room and come with them. When we had done so they said that it was time to go further down. Again, I was thinking how large is this place? We just came out of a rail system that runs for miles and miles… and then there is more?
We were then taken to a lift system, with seats, that was going to take us down… or, this is what I thought it was going to do. But it went sideways for about three minutes. In this place, time was not known to me because we had no way of telling what the time was. They had taken everything away from us at the check-ins.
* At the lift I remember I saw a letter that look like a headphone – like the hearing phones you have on your head when listening to music. It was just bent like that if you see it from the front side and pointing down.
All I can say is that when our job was done I was thinking that the world is not as it seems to be, and that many things are hidden from the public. It makes me sad and scared.
Later, when I got into politics, I began digging into this because I needed more answers. What I found out was that these bases were Arks for the government and some of the people and military to survive inside. There was a threat from outside that was going to be in the year 2012 and that the human species had to survive.
The ‘Planet X’ I learned about is from all what I have seen till now. The government knows this and are keeping it from the public. They have been tracking this object for a long time now and were given the first warnings from the USA.
I know that 18 bases exist in Norway. I don’t know what many of the dangers are because I am not a scientist. But what I know is that before 2012 the different governments are going to leave for the bases that they have built for the last 40 or 50 years.
If this object goes by, there will be a lot of problems on the surface of the Earth. That is all I know. This is why they go underground.
If such an event comes, they have made sure that five years or more underground is going to be what they need to avoid this. When they know it’s safe to surface, they will rebuild again. We were just told that we have to leave before 2012 and that there is something in space that is going to cause much destruction.
* I don’t know if there is a threat from the sun itself. I am not so much into the science of things. I am just telling what I have seen and nothing more.
I can say that I have already said too much, but the people are now warned about this…
I have no need to make this up or create mass panic. I just want to tell the public what is to come, and I have done what I can from my side.
There are things in this world that are not known to the public. And there is one thing I can say about all this:
Be ready and have faith in yourself. There is no help in trusting the governments. Trust only yourself.
For the original article go here: >>
2008 Letter from A Norwegian Politician about 2012
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